Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program
Earn extra money while you work with the Family Self-Sufficiency Program if you are:
- Currently receiving housing assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
- Willing to work toward full time employment.
- Committed to achieving a better way of life for you and your family.
- Willing to work with a counselor to identify what you and your family need to make life better.
Participation in FSS is voluntary. The contract and Service Plan is for five years and can be extended if needed. At the end of the contract you must be free of cash welfare assistance for 12 consecutive months and have maintained full time employment.
What is the FSS escrow account?
An interest-bearing FSS escrow account is established by the Housing Authority of Mingo County for each participating family. An escrow credit, based on increases in earned income of the family, is credited to this account by the Housing Authority of Mingo County during the term of the FSS contract. The Housing Authority of Mingo County may make a portion of this escrow account available to the family during the term of the contract to enable the family to complete an interim goal such as education.
If the family completes the contract and no member of the family is receiving welfare, the amount of the FSS account is paid to the head of the family. If the Housing Authority of Mingo County terminates the FSS contract, or if the family fails to complete the contract before its expiration, the family's FSS escrow funds are forfeited.